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Monday 27th June 2022 (Morning)

                                      09:00 - 09:30
                              Receeption and Welcome  

                                       09:30 - 10:30
Session: NEMESIS
Session leader: Pat Irwin

Pat Irwin: Welcome & NEMESIS Introduction
Leigh Fletcher: NEMESIS and JWST
Juan Alday, Jingxuan Yang: NemesisPy: A python version of NEMESIS

                                       10:30 - 11:00
                                             Coffee break

                                       11:00 - 12:20
Session: Ice & Gas Giants
Session leader: TBD

Pat Irwin: Vis/near-IR Uranus and Neptune Retrievals
Arjuna James: Variability in the Uranian atmosphere: Uranus' northern polar hood
Sarah Loughran: Investigating Ice Giant Winds: Future Work With NEMESIS
Padraig Donnelly: Vortex Statistics in the Saturn DYNAMICO GCM: Manual and Automated Detection


                                        12:20 - 14:00
                                              Lunch Break 

Monday 27th June 2022 (Afternoon)

                                       14:00 - 15:20
Session:  Jupiter
Session leader: TBD

José Ribeiro: Preliminary atmospheric study of Jupiter using ISO/SWS data
Santiago Perez-Hoyos: Jupiter GRS and surroundings from HST/WFC3
Jake Harkett: Simulating JWST observations of Jupiter's GRS
Henrik Melin: Modelling Juno JIRAM spectra with NEMESIS

                                       15:20 - 15:50
                                             Coffee break

                                       15:50 - 16:40
Session:  Online Talks
Session leader: TBD

Naomi Rowe-Gurney: Methyl (CH3) Detections in the Spitzer Spectra of Neptune (and Uranus)
James Sinclair: Plans for non-LTE modeling of Jupiter
Emma Dahl:  Exploring the Color and Structure of Jupiter’s Equatorial Zone Disturbance with NEMESIS
Brendan Steffens: Searching for New C4 Hydrocarbons in Titan's Atmosphere With NEMESIS


                                        19:00 - 21:30
                                          Drinks & Dinner  
                                    Location:  St Annes College

Tuesday 28th June 2022 (Morning)

                                       09:30 - 10:30
Session: Exoplanets
Session leader: TBD

John Lee Grenfell: Atmospheric modeling of Venus and ExoVenuses
Jo Barstow: Transiting hot and ultrahot Jupiters with NEMESIS
Oliver King: Modelling IR reflectance spectra of Europa and Ganymede

                                       10:30 - 11:00
                                             Coffee break

                                       11:00 - 12:20
Session: Titan
Session leader: TBD

Nick Teanby: Modelling low spatial resolution / disc-averaged spectra from Herschel, with future applications to JWST Titan obs
Conor Nixon: Planning for Data Analysis of JWST Titan Specta
Shubham Kulkarni: Retrieval of main cloud structure using Venera 13 and 14 descent probe data


                                        12:20 - 14:00
                                              Lunch Break 

Tuesday 28th June 2022 (Afternoon)

                                       14:00 - 15:00
Session:  Extra Talks / Discussion
Session leader: TBD

                                       15:00 - 15:30
                                             Coffee break

                                       15:30 - 18:30
                                        !! PUNTING !!